Game Ideas Wiki
Game Ideas Wiki


I am admin at the sketchpad, discussion, Epic Saga, vgi, VGI and game ideas wikis (in reverse order of impressiveness).

I wanted to highlight what all of them are for, respectively:

  1. personal sandbox
  2. place to converse with people who like talking
  3. spin off based on one of this wiki's idea series
  4. small game idea wiki with great name
  5. larger game idea wiki with best name (recent acquire)
  6. largest game idea wiki with ok name (this one)

I would like to know if you were aware of these, and what they mean.

  1. can join if you want for reference
  2. I like talking on forums and doing collaborations and would love one here, but i don't know who would be interested. 
  3. quiet without Beecanoe
  4.  what do
  5.  what do
  6. best wiki evar

The last two are smaller than here, and I don't know. Should we merge? Should I specialize them for something else? Ideas?

So yeah. That's what's happening with me with wikis.

In other news, I draw webcomics, play TF2 obsessively, play xbox ocassionally, am taking an online art course, work part time and have recently turned 19. 

So yeah, that's what's up with me.
